home | flo-pipe





47 Higher Cadewell Lane , Torquay , Devon ,TQ2 7EX

United Kingdom

Reg Number 06591353 (United Kingdom) VAT number 915 2781 21

Richard Cudmore tel.+44(0)1803 400950

Rob Sandover

tel.+44 (0)1803 663813

some of conbar's past dredgers...

Preparing for Launch....

Sliding down temp Slipway

Floating !!

12" Cutter Suction Dredger for RMF in Austrailia

10" CSD for Tilcon Sandyway in Cheshire UK-Recently sold to Bahrain

10" CSD for South Coast Mining -Austrailia

Dredging China Clay in Cornwall- Built mid 1970's and still producing China Clay today.




more conbar dredgers...


Early Conbar International Dredger Design for Mackley Construction Ltd trialing early Conbar Flo-Pipe

Final Fabrication on 10"CSD built in Paignton,Devon UK

Final logistics before road transport Paignton UK

Just before Departure - Paignton UK

All Bunting flying..Very Pretty before launch -Qatar

Road transported to Launch Site -Qatar

10" CSD with 10 Metre dredge depth for Qatar




contact |© Conbar UK LTD 2019